**Contacts Us**



Connectors listing


Organize your Audiences

Create a Dataset

Create a SQL Audience

Add Source to a Dataset

Transform an Audience

Add a new Source

Now that you have created your dataset with one data source, you can combine it with other ones. There are two kinds of combinations of data sources:

Step 1 - Add a new data source

The first step, you can click on the button “Add source data” in the top right of the screen.


Step 2 - Choose the data source you want to add

You can choose a table from one of the Sources defined in the “Connectors” menu. It is also possible to choose an existing Dataset as a source.


Step 3 - Describe the data source and choose between merge or join.

You are invited to:


Based on the business category, Octolis suggests that it is a “Join” type of combination.

Step 4 - Define the fields to import

The objective here is to choose the fields from your data source that will be imported into your dataset. You can choose all fields or select only some of them.


Step 5 - Define the link between data sources + Map the fields with your dataset

You are asked to choose how this second data source will be joined with the first data source: which field(s) could make the link?


Once you choose a field, you can map the new data source with your dataset.

The first column of the dataset is based on the first data source. When you scroll down, you will see a button “Add column”.

This button will allow you to add new columns to your dataset based on the second data source. For example, if you have joined Contacts with Orders, you can add columns like the Date of the last order, Number of orders, Average amount in the last 30 days, etc.


Once you have added your columns based on the second data source, you can finish the process with the button at the top right.

Next step

👉 Add transformations to your Audience

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